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Poker: Dealing with Aggression when isolating Limpers In modern day poker, it is not unusual to see a few eyebrows raised when a professional poker player limps into the pot in a full-ring game of tournament poker. It seems that even the very best players in the world sometimes fail to remember that poker is a dynamic mind sport without a one size fits all mentality. When an amateur or recreational poker player limps into the pot, it is recognized as a sign of weakness – a trait of the tight-passive type of player. Poker players are like animals on the Savannah with the strong preying on the weak. The limpers are the wounded zebra and the professional poker players the bloodthirsty lions. When a limper enters the pot, the professional poker player moves in for the kill, often by utilizing what is commonly referred to as an isolation raise. The isolation raise is designed to play poker against weaker opponents, from position, and therefore the range of the pro player is often at its widest. The great players in the game recognize an opportunity, and they will notice when players are trying to isolate the fish. They know that the isolating raisers range is wide and therefore will now isolate the raiser with a much wider range as well. When this starts happening to you, then you need to adapt, and quickly. One of the best ways of adapting is to tighten your range to include pocket pairs and suited-connectors, then start over-limping. When the aggressive player raises, you can be pretty sure that the original limper will call giving you great odds to also call and play a great multi-way hand multi way.
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Last Updated 17 April 2014
Poker: Dealing with aggression when isolating limpers